Our Thoughts On Archive

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Brian Webster

Articles 21 - 30 of 33

Internal Controls for Not-For-Profits

Learn more about improvements to internal controls to mitigate and reduce the risk of fraud for non-profits.

Watch Your Credit Cards! Expense Reimbursement Fraud at a Not-For-Profit Organization

Frequently, internal controls at not-for-profit organizations depend primarily on the integrity of their employees. Sometimes these employees lose sight

Potential Fraud in the Professional Services Industry

According to the 2018 ACFE Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, companies in the professional services industry are most at risk to be

New Standards in SSFS 1 Intend to Improve the Consistency and Quality of Forensic Services

Black’s Law Dictionary defines the term forensic as “used in, or suitable to, courts of law or public debate.”[1] Forensic accounting
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Expense Reimbursement Schemes in the Professional Services Industry

According to the 2018 ACFE Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, the median loss from occupational fraud costs the professional services

Best Practices: Internal Controls at Not-for-Profit Organizations

In Pennsylvania alone, there are 63,345 not-for-profit organizations that employ over 15% of the state’s workforce. These organizations generate

Can a Vehicle-Related Benefits Program Reduce Costs?

A current issue within not-for-profit and governmental entities is whether it makes financial sense to provide vehicles to employees or to reimburse them
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is sponsoring International Fraud Awareness Week from November 13-19, 2016 to help businesses reduce
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Forensic accounting services are commonly known to “generally involve the application of specialized knowledge and investigative skills possessed
Government and Public Administration is the second most represented sector victimized by fraud.[1] Corruption, billing and expense reimbursement schemes
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