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Articles 571 - 580 of 814

RETIREMENT ACCOUNT LOANS--Should you use them?

The list is long--kids in college, a move to a newer house or a remodel of the current one, family members to support, and vacations to be taken before

Tax Reform and the Repatriation of Foreign Earnings

It seems that tax reform is unceasing; every election cycle brings calls for “fairness” by supporters of all political parties with the definition

Be Sure Your QRPBI Properties Are Used IN Your Trade or Business

Last summer, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) took a look at the gross income exclusion for forgiveness of qualified real property business

Remember - Demos are Fringe Benefits

As we come out of tax season, we always encounter a few things that are worth following up with our automotive clients. Demonstrators (“demos”)
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President Trump Signs Executive Order to Prevent IRS from Enforcing Sanctions on Churches for Engaging in Political Activities

In 1954, then-Senator Lyndon Johnson introduced a bill known today as the Johnson Amendment that was signed into law under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Elena Faurie | 5.30.2017

IRS Compliance Campaign Use of "Soft Letters"

The IRS Large Business and International (LB&I) division is transitioning its audit process from industry, taxpayer-focused examinations to targeted

Compliance with Use Tax Reporting Laws Begins July 1, 2017

Since the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal about a Colorado use tax reporting law last December, the states of Louisiana and Vermont, in

Financial Wellness Check-up: Ten Steps to Financial Health

Just as you visit your primary care physician for an annual checkup or have your car inspected annually, it's as important to review your financial
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Fringe Benefits - Manufacturing Tax Tips

A fringe benefit is a form of pay for the performance of services given by the provider of the benefit to the recipient of the benefit. An example would

Guaranteed Payments Are the Only Amount Subject to Self-Employment Tax, Right?

On Wednesday, April 12, the Tax Court issued a memorandum decision Castigliola¹ that addressed the self-employment tax characterization of income
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