Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 941 - 950 of 1913

Is Your Construction Company Eligible for R&D Tax Credits?

The Credit for Increasing Research Activities (IRC Section 41), or the R&D Tax Credit, as it is more commonly known, has been around since 1981. And

Ransomware Still a Growing Problem for Organizations of All Sizes

While the concept of malware-based extortion has remained relatively unchanged since the first documented occurrence in 1989, attackers have spent the

Clarification on 100% Bonus Depreciation for Dealership Owners

The Internal Revenue Service released proposed regulations on utilizing 100% bonus depreciation for dealerships that deduct floorplan interest expense.

Advance Payments: Potential for Longer Term Deferral under Newly Issued Regulations, Repeal of Regulation ยง1.451-5

Back in July, the IRS formally removed regulation §1.451-5 from the Code of Federal Regulation. The regulation had permitted some companies to defer
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IRS Releases Advance Payment Proposed Regulations for Accrual Method Taxpayers, Providing One-Year Deferral

On September 5, the IRS released guidance in the form of proposed regulations (Prop. Reg. §1.451-8) that address the receipt of payments from customers

Micro-Captive Insurance Companies Feel Pressure with Recent IRS Settlement Offers and Court Victories

The IRS announced Tuesday that it is sending time-limited settlement offers to certain taxpayers under audit with micro-captive insurance transactions.

I Want Mine, but How? Social Security Strategies

You are now ready to claim. You’ve done your research, decided your “when” but now what about strategies? Social Security employees do

The Stages of Wealth - Wealth Accumulation

This article was originally published in Wedgewood Life magazine and is reprinted with their permission. Over the last series of articles, we have highlighted
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Imperva Alert

IMPERVA ALERT Cybersecurity threats evolve every minute of every day. Best practices exist to protect against or even mitigate these growing threats, but,

IRS Follows Through with Strategic Plan by Use of Data Analytics

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) set forth a Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2018 through 2022. One of the six strategic goals within the plan is to:
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