Starting the Exit and Succession Planning Process

We’ve all heard the statistics.  The largest wealth transfer in history is on the horizon.  Baby boomers will transfer (either on purpose or otherwise) $10 trillion in wealth in the coming years.  Certainly, this past year of Covid has made some folks rethink their plan (or start thinking about creating a plan).

Schneider Downs has created a four-part education series to help you as you start thinking about your eventual exit plan.  In this series, we will review the exit planning process, considerations and potential roadblocks.  We will also provide tools that you can use to develop a plan to successfully achieve company, financial and personal goals.  From developing a plan, understanding how valuations work, to estate planning and a review of actual transaction steps, subject-matter experts will offer their insight and experience to attendees.  And, we’ll also talk about the importance of having a personal plan. Please join us for this important series. 

Attendees qualify for 1 CPE per session and replays will be available to registrants following the live event. Registrants only need to register once to be enrolled in all four sessions. All sessions are scheduled from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. EDT

As a part of the webinar series, we are offering a complimentary Exit Map Assessment and Debrief to help you determine your preparedness for succession or exit. Click here to take our online survey and we will provide a report and be available to discuss the results with you. Individuals who register for the webinar series and complete the assessment will be provided a copy of “Navigating the Boomer Bust” by John Dini.

Webinar Series Overview

  • May 5, 2021 – Process Overview and Goal Setting

The first entry explores the exit and succession planning process, including role of advisors focused on key planning considerations for the business owner(s), internal succession or external transaction options, and overall key decision points and milestones throughout the exit and succession process.

  • May 19, 2021 – Analyze and Develop a Plan

Understand the importance of developing an exit and succession plan and the interrelation between personal, financial and business goals and objectives.

  • June 2, 2021 – Setting and Executing Strategy

Review key value drivers of a business and focus on developing your succession plan followed by advice from dealmakers.  We will cover the legal aspects of a transaction and what to expect from the sale process.

  • June 16, 2021 – Closing the Deal and Beyond: Lessons Learned from Successful Transactions

Our series concludes with a review of the previous sessions, what happens after the deal and how to measure success. 

For more information or help with registration please contact us at [email protected].

About Schneider Downs’ Exit Planning and Succession Advisory

Schneider Downs’ Exit Planning and Succession Advisory Services are multi-disciplined, fully integrated and holistic exit planning and succession solutions that are customized and designed for business owners by business owners. Learn more at

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Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice. Please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

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our thoughts on
Planning Considerations for Business Transitions
SD Auto Advisors Continue to Work on Our Own Succession Plan
Succession Planning: Begin before the End
Estate and Succession Planning: Eat the Elephant!
How Your Age Shapes Your Exit Plan
Exit and Succession Planning – The Challenges of What’s Next
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