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Tax Policy

Articles 1 - 10 of 18

IRS Releases Guidance on the Requirement to Capitalize Research and Experimental Expenditures

Learn more about the new capitalization requirements released in Notice 2023-63 regarding research and experimental expenditures.

PA PIT Section 179 Deduction

Learn about the changes to Pennsylvania’s tax treatment of §179 Property and what they mean for Pennsylvania taxpayers.

OHIO H.B. 33 Contains Significant Tax Changes

Learn more about the Ohio Biennial Budget Bill signed into law on July 3, 2023.

Proposed Tax Legislation for 2023?

Learn more about the proposed bills referred to as the American Families and Jobs Act.
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The Biden Administration Releases Proposed Fiscal 2023/2024 Budget; Proposed Tax Changes Established a Moveable Line in the Sand

Learn more about the tax change proposals in the government's fiscal year 2024 budget.

Potential Income Tax Attribute Limitation with Ownership Change

Learn more about what is considered a triggering event under Section 382 resulting in potential income tax attribute limitation with ownership Change.
Tax, Tax Policy
James Sayre | 12.2.2022

Accounting for Pennsylvania Corporate Income Tax Rate Change

Learn more about the considerations you should take when adjusting deferred tax balances due to the signed PA House Bill 1342 signed into law on July 8, 2022.

UPDATE: Inflation Reduction Act – Final Senate Version Eliminates the Change in Carried Interest Rules

Learn how the final Senate version of the Inflation Reduction Act eliminates the change in carried interest rules with a provision calling for a 1% excise tax incurred on corporate stock repurchases.
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Inflation Reduction Act – Tax Provisions Included in Proposed Legislation

Better understand the tax provisions included under the proposed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

Deferring Gain on Sale of Vacation Property

Learn how to defer gain in accordance with Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 1031 on the sale of your vacation property.
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