Our Thoughts On Archive

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Mary Richter

Articles 1 - 10 of 20

Build Back Better Tax Legislation Update – International Tax Changes

This article summarizes the proposed changes regarding international tax provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The Build Back Better proposal will mainly affect the Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) regime, Subpart F regime and foreign tax credit, Section 250 deduction, and Foreign-Derived Innovation Income (FDII), BEAT, and SHIELD.

Looking for Clarity from the IRS Regarding Foreign Activities? Be Careful What You Wish For!

Learn more about the IRS' guidance on reporting requirements if you own a foreign entity or joint venture.

Postcard from Prime Global’s International Tax Session

Learn more about the annual North American Tax and Business Assurance Conference hosted by Prime Global and what the session reinforced.

Congratulations, PrimeGlobal!

Schneider Downs is proud to be a founding member of Prime Global, one of the five largest associations of independent accounting firms in the world. Since
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What to Expect During a Sale Transaction

Once they decide to move forward, many owners plow straight in and starting looking for a buyer. Good idea, but not so fast. Slow down. Think about your

Thinking About the Future: What’s Your Plan? (MDR)

We’ve all heard the saying, “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” This is extremely pertinent if you’re thinking about transitioning your

All Roads Lead to Rome: Schneider Downs Helps Build Global Bridges

Schneider Downs’ own Dan Desko and Mary Richter recently returned from Prime Global’s World Conference 2019 in Rome, where they were joined

Greetings from Hamburg

Start-ups are everywhere! Last week, I traveled to Hamburg, Germany to participate in a Start-up Masterclass. The event brought together over 100 entrepreneurs
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Calling all U.S. Citizens

Did you properly report your foreign income and assets? U.S. citizens are required to report income on their tax returns, irrespective of where the income

International Business Update

On March 7, Schneider Downs hosted the members of the Western Pennsylvania Global Business Forum at the Rivers Club. The Forum was founded by Mark Santo
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