Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1151 - 1160 of 1913

GDPR's Effects on Higher Education

Co-Authored by: Jaye Wilson It has been nearly three months since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has gone into effect, its impact has been

Proposed Changes to Gainful Employment Regulations

On August 10, the Department of Education (DOE) announced a proposal to rescind gainful employment regulations. This is part of the on-going initiative

Proposed Changes to Data Collection Forms Could Add Significant Hours to Compliance Reporting

On April 3, the U.S Department of Commerce Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) proposed revisions to the Data Collection Form (DCF) that is submitted by

How Tax Reform Will Make Divorce More Expensive

Divorcing couples are not likely to be found on the list of taxpayers who are happy with the sweeping changes effected by The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the
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In the world of mergers and acquisitions, it is useful to study past transactions to provide benchmarks and to understand trends in an industry. One source

Final Regulations on Recordkeeping and Substantiating Charitable Contributions

The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 and the Pension Protection Act of 2006 made changes to the charitable contribution deduction recordkeeping and substantiation

Apple Tops $1 Trillion Market Capitalization Threshold

Earlier this month, Apple became the first publicly traded U.S. company to surpass $1 trillion in market capitalization. It tops a list that, as of August

The Benefits of Sell Side Due Diligence

There has been an uptick in the number of companies doing sell side due diligence over the past few years, for many good reasons. Sell side diligence helps
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Tax Reform Impact on Donor Acknowledgement Letters

Each year, charitable organizations gather their contribution data over the past calendar year in order to prepare their donor acknowledgement letters.

If Only Those Employees...

One of the most common sentiments that I come across as an information security professional is that employees are the ones making the organization less
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