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Articles 111 - 120 of 231

Potential Audit Relief for Charitable Organizations Soliciting in Pennsylvania

Charitable organizations soliciting contributions in the state of Pennsylvania could see changes coming to the thresholds for audit requirements. In September,

Developing a Compensation Philosophy - Part 4 in the Series

A compensation philosophy can be useful to a board of directors of a nonprofit in developing compensation processes and determining pay packages for new

Who Should Handle Compensation Matters on a Nonprofit Board of Directors? Part 3 in the Series

For small or medium-sized boards, executive compensation may be handled by the entire board. For larger boards of directors, though, it may be useful to

Nonprofit Executive Compensation: The Board's Responsibilities - Part 2 in the Series

The board of directors, when setting compensation for the chief executive officer (and other executives, as the case may be), must weigh several obligations
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Pittsburgh Nonprofits in the Headlines: Compensation Best Practices in the Nonprofit World - Part 1 in the Series

A front page-article in the Sunday, September 10 issue of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette titled “Pittsburgh’s nonprofits are untaxed, unelected

Website Launched for Grant Seekers to Review Foundations

GrantAdvisor.org is an electronic platform recently launched that allows grant applicants and recipients to review foundations and provide comments on

Governance, Accountability and Transparency - More Than Just Buzzwords

Governance, accountability and transparency are much more than the current buzzwords of Board room discussions. Achieving and maintaining sound governance

Changes for PA Nonprofit Organizations

The Pennsylvania Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purpose Act (SFCP) requires organizations soliciting charitable contributions from Pennsylvania residents
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NACUBO Study Reveals Record Highs in 2016 Tuition Discount Rates

On May 15, 2017, the National Association of Colleges and University Business Officers (NACUBO) released its annual Tuition Discounting Study (TDS) for

Avoiding Common Issues in Your Single Audit

Thomson Reuters published a white paper on some of the most common issues encountered in single audits for the year ended June 30, 2016. The top lessons
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