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Susan Kirsch

Articles 1 - 8 of 8
Tax, Tax Reform
Susan Kirsch | 11.3.2017

Tax Reform Series: Implications for Tax Exempt Entities

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, H.R.1 was released on November 2, 2017 by the House Committee of Ways and Means. In addition to rate provisions, there are numerous

IRS Contact in Examination Cases: Call Me...Maybe Not.

The IRS announced on May 20, 2016 that as of that date, all initial contacts with taxpayers to commence an audit examination must be made by mail, instead

IRS Advisory Committee Revisiting the Form 990

The IRS Advisory Committee on Tax-Exempt and Government Entities (ACT) released its 2015 report on June 17, 2015 detailing recommendations for consideration

Financial Outlook Improves for Colleges and Universities

A U.S. Higher Education In-Depth Sector Report issued July 6, 2015 by Moody’s Investor Services states that during 2014 the higher education sector
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UBI 101: IRS Releases Updated Primer on Unrelated Business Income

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continues to focus on unrelated business activities during its audits of not-for-profit organizations. Unrelated business

Not-For-Profit Officer and Director Liability: A Volunteer's Cautionary Tale

Early this year, the United States Court of Appeals issued an opinion confirming a jury verdict that held former officers and directors of a bankrupt nursing

Pennsylvania Charitable Solicitation Registration Changes - Alignment at Last!

At long last, charitable organizations filing Form BCO-10, Charitable Organization Registration Statement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s

2014 Form 990 Released

The 2014 Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, accompanying schedules, and instructions have been released by the Internal Revenue Service
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