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Wealth Management

Articles 121 - 130 of 138
Do you aggregate? In layman’s terms, do you download or link your financial information to one place? You may use mint.com, or Intuit’s Quicken,

Our View on DOL Fiduciary Rule Regarding Retirement Investment Advice

BACKSTORY. In April of this year, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a long-awaited regulation that essentially applies a “fiduciary”

Is Your 401(k) Plan a Potential Litigation Target?

In a recent article on NAPA Net, Nevin E. Adams, JD, Chief of Marketing & Communications for the American Retirement Association, outlines six (6)

Real Estate Sector Moving on up to the S&P 500 Side

Effective September 1, 2016, the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), the basis for the S&P and MSCI indices, will be updated to include
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If you are age 70½ the federal government has given you a permanent gift with new legislation that may give you a break on your income tax. At that

The Key to Financial Health

The path to financial health shares many similarities with the path to physical health. Perhaps the most important shared trait between the two is that

Proposed IRS Legislation Threatens Small Business Retirement Plans

The IRS recently released a proposed regulation that could be unusually threatening to small business retirement plans. In summary, the proposal would

Online Planning: Rolling the Dice

I recently read an article that suggested that you can manage your financial life using free websites in as little as three hours. Wow, imagine mapping
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Bonne Année! Financial Resolutions for the New Year

Do you have a new year’s resolution? I have several, including learning French. I have downloaded Duolingo, a cool little app created by the prodigies

The Clock is Ticking - Social Security Claiming Strategies Are Phasing Out

The shocking, big story from last week was from the U. S. Capitol. As Congress hammered out a budget deal to avoid another government shutdown, they turned
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