Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1511 - 1520 of 1913

The Impacts of Inventory Inflation Schemes Used to Commit Financial Statement Fraud

In the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ (“ACFE”) bi-annual Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, the ACFE presents

Harsher Penalties for Toll Skippers on PA Turnpike Takes Effect This Summer

75 PA. C.S. § 1380 ("Section 1380") will be taking effect this summer and will allow the PA Transportation Department to suspend the vehicle
Is there a FAFSA in your future? Even if you are a FAFSA pro, read on, there may be a few tips for you. The Federal Application for Free Student Aid (FAFSA)

FinCEN Reminds Taxpayers of New FBAR Deadline

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has reminded taxpayers that the due date for filing Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)
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Working Capital Adjustments in Due Diligence

During a transaction, efforts need to be made to evaluate the level of working capital sufficient to sustain current operations of the business. This is

Construction Spending: 2016 on the rise, 2017...TBD

The United States Department of Commerce on January 3, 2017 reported that construction spending continues to be on the rise, reaching an over ten-year

2017 Business: Recognize the Past and Present While Leveraging the Constant - CHANGE

As the New Year approaches, I reflect back on the loss of a special person, Dr. Thomas Walsh of Grenell Consulting, Thomas was the type of man who was

Impacts of a Trump Presidency on Higher Education

Higher Education wasn’t a hot-topic during the recent election which presents a level of uncertainty surrounding the future of Higher Education.
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IRS Extends Five Year Eligibility Limitation

The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued Notice 2017-6 on December 20, 2016, which extends for one year the five year eligibility limitation

Welcome to 2017 from Pennsylvania - Driving Just Got More Expensive

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania raised the wholesale motor fuels tax on gasoline by 8 cents on January 1, 2017. They have also increased the tax on diesel
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