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Articles 1541 - 1550 of 1913

Year-End Tax Savings Idea, First in a Series: Capital Gains Distributions - Be Aware and Take Action

Every year, mutual funds are required to distribute any net realized capital gains to their shareholders regardless of whether the fund had a positive

The Sharing Economy: It's Mine But You Can Have Some

Have you ever caught an Uber or Lyft to a business meeting? Or, maybe you booked your last vacation through Airbnb? How about renting an outfit from Rent
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is sponsoring International Fraud Awareness Week from November 13-19, 2016 to help businesses reduce

Time to Pay Attention to Congressional Tax Proposals

For the past many years, there has been a steady stream of proposals regarding tax reform coming from Washington, D.C. Up until now, the proposals all
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What a Trump Presidency Means for the Estate Tax

When President-elect Donald Trump first rolled out his much-anticipated tax plan as a Presidential candidate earlier this year, his plan to eliminate the

Bonus Depreciation on Facility Upgrades

Did you know that Congress recently expanded its definition of qualified property to which bonus depreciation can be applied? Starting in 2016, an improvement

Taxation and Information Reporting for Foreign Trusts

The U.S. taxation and information reporting imposed on foreign trusts can be quite complex. A trust is the foreign trust if it is not the U.S. trust. A

How Can Transportation Firms React to the Soaring Insurance Rates?

By: Jim Gilboy and Mike Vizzini The transportation industry is looking for new ways to control costs in the wake of dramatic increases in their excess
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Geek warning: some tech knowledge required for this article – or at least willingness to look stuff up. This article was repurposed from Matt Dunn’s

Welcome Due Date Changes for Businesses and Individuals This Tax Season

Now that we are past the extended deadlines for calendar year entities, we can look forward to the changes in store for tax year 2016. The Surface Transportation
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