Our Thoughts On Archive

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Business Advisors

Articles 151 - 160 of 248

Analyzing America’s Pastime: Do Fans Really Dig the Long Ball?

Everyone has their own reason to attend baseball games. Some like the food; some like the atmosphere; others long for the hope of catching a foul ball.

Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts when Valuing Minority Interests?

Can the whole company value be greater than the sum of its parts? The answer is potentially yes in the context of a valuation of a minority interest for

Houston, We Have a Problem Innovation Series, Part #3

This is the third post in a series on innovation. The series starts here: A Valuation of Innovation. Innovation requires taking smart risks. The natural

New Standards in SSFS 1 Intend to Improve the Consistency and Quality of Forensic Services

Black’s Law Dictionary defines the term forensic as “used in, or suitable to, courts of law or public debate.”[1] Forensic accounting
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Dear Diary Innovation Series, Post #2

This is the second post in a series on innovation. To see the first post in the series, follow this link: A Valuation of Innovation. Innovation can increase

A Valuation Analyst’s Work is More Than Just “BS” (Balance Sheet)

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) were developed with the purpose of benefiting the various stakeholders of a business (e.g.,

Kress Case Addresses S Corporation vs. C Corporation Issues

The United States District Court’s March 2019 court decision in Kress v. United States1 created a lot of buzz in the valuation community. The case

ACFE releases Anti-Fraud Technology Benchmarking Report

With the advancement of technology over the years, the avenues for fraud perpetration, protection and detection have multiplied. In an effort to gain a
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A Valuation of Innovation

There is a lot going on at Schneider Downs these days! Service offerings are expanding, our geographic footprint is growing, and new talent continues to

Fraud and Corruption Seminar Review

Schneider Downs was proud to sponsor a Fraud and Corruption Awareness Seminar on May 13, 2019 alongside the Pittsburgh chapters of The Institute of Internal
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