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Articles 151 - 160 of 389

Micro-Captive Insurance Companies Feel Pressure with Recent IRS Settlement Offers and Court Victories

The IRS announced Tuesday that it is sending time-limited settlement offers to certain taxpayers under audit with micro-captive insurance transactions.

I Want Mine, but How? Social Security Strategies

You are now ready to claim. You’ve done your research, decided your “when” but now what about strategies? Social Security employees do

IRS Follows Through with Strategic Plan by Use of Data Analytics

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) set forth a Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2018 through 2022. One of the six strategic goals within the plan is to:

The Best Things in Life Are Free - That Might Even Include Your Inheritance!

If you inherit property in Pennsylvania, you may soon be able to avoid the hefty burden of paying inheritance tax! Starting next year, minor children who
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Ohio's New Budget

Although a couple of weeks late, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine finally signed into law the new state budget on Thursday, July 18. It was the third time in

Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts when Valuing Minority Interests?

Can the whole company value be greater than the sum of its parts? The answer is potentially yes in the context of a valuation of a minority interest for

The IRS turns its focus to cryptocurrency

On July 26, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Internal Revenue Service has mailed letters to over 10,000 cryptocurrency holders warning that those

Capital One Data Breach Exposes 100 Million Records to Seattle Hacker

Barely a week after the Equifax data breach was settled for nearly $650 million dollars, there appears to be news of an almost equally large mega-breach
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#1 Mobile App Garners Concerns Over Data Privacy

If you haven't already downloaded FaceApp, you have probably either heard of it or witnessed your Facebook turn from an office party to a nursing home

I Want Mine, but When? Social Security Claiming

Just when should you start claiming Social Security? The easy answer is to postpone claiming as long as possible. If you delay until after your full retirement
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