Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1611 - 1620 of 1913

IRS makes Electronically Filed Form 990 Data Available to the Public Online

Previously, the IRS made only image files of Forms 990 available for the public. An interested party could request forms from the IRS in electronic or

The IRS Continues Its Assault on Family Limited Partnerships

A family limited partnership (“FLP”) can be a valuable estate planning tool for wealthy individuals and families. When structured properly,

IRS Issues Practice Unit on Grants to Nonresident Aliens

On June 14, 2016, the IRS released their newest Practice Unit, outlining guidance on the payment of grants or scholarships to Nonresident Aliens, or “NRAs.”

Our View on DOL Fiduciary Rule Regarding Retirement Investment Advice

BACKSTORY. In April of this year, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a long-awaited regulation that essentially applies a “fiduciary”
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Use Caution When Donating to Charities

It is a beautiful sight to see when the citizens of our nation come together to support victims or family members of victims during a time of devastation.

Part II: Uniform Guidance Internal Controls

As a part of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), issued on December

Brexit Thoughts for CPAs and CPA Exam Candidates

So the vote is in and the United Kingdom (UK) has voted to exit the European Union (EU). So why is this important to CPAs and CPA exam candidates? The

Is Your 401(k) Plan a Potential Litigation Target?

In a recent article on NAPA Net, Nevin E. Adams, JD, Chief of Marketing & Communications for the American Retirement Association, outlines six (6)
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Executive Compensation at Not-For-Profit Organizations

Executive compensation at not-for-profit organizations is a hot topic at the IRS these days. Executive compensation that is deemed unreasonable at tax-exempt

Criticism of the "Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act"

H.R. 5053, the “Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act” passed the Ways and Means Committee on June 14. H.R. 5053 would amend
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