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SD Medallion Services

Articles 11 - 20 of 34

The Growth of Workplace Financial Wellness Programs

Most of us are familiar with employee wellness plans offered by employers in conjunction with medical insurance. These plans may offer education about

What Do You Do When You Can't Pay the IRS?

There may come a day when a client, friend, or family member asks you what they can do when they owe the IRS and just can’t pay. You’ll want

Bonne Année! Financial Resolutions for the New Year

Do you have a new year’s resolution? I have several, including learning French. I have downloaded Duolingo, a cool little app created by the prodigies

Tentative Deal on Tax Extenders: The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015

Taxpayers anxiously awaiting news as to whether certain tax relief provisions that expired at the end of 2014 will be extended may soon have even more
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Gift Tax Returns: What's With All the Questions?!

With the October 15 deadline for gift tax returns behind us, clients and other tax groups at Schneider Downs may have at times felt bombarded with questions

International Fraud Week: Protecting Seniors From Fraud

Our senior population is particularly vulnerable to con artists who want to take advantage of them. Too often we hear of stories where an elderly person

New Rules Proposed for Substantiating Charitable Contributions

UPDATE to proposed treasury regulations. Currently, to claim a tax deduction for a charitable contribution, a taxpayer must obtain a contemporaneous written

The Clock is Ticking - Social Security Claiming Strategies Are Phasing Out

The shocking, big story from last week was from the U. S. Capitol. As Congress hammered out a budget deal to avoid another government shutdown, they turned
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Tax Planning - The Kiddie Tax and How You Can Avoid It

The federal tax law imposes a kiddie tax on children’s investment income (i.e., unearned income greater than $2,100 for 2015), and the income is

Donor-Advised Funds: A Tool for Charitable Giving

Charitable donations can be powerful, not only for recipient charities, but also for those individuals who donate. A mechanism to assist donors in fulfilling
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