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Business Restructuring

Articles 11 - 14 of 14

A Customer Files for Bankruptcy, What Now?

In light of Westinghouse’s bankruptcy filing, do you know what to do if a major customer of your company files for bankruptcy protection? If you

2017 Business: Recognize the Past and Present While Leveraging the Constant - CHANGE

As the New Year approaches, I reflect back on the loss of a special person, Dr. Thomas Walsh of Grenell Consulting, Thomas was the type of man who was

Simple Data Analysis Guides Crucial Business Decisions: What Information Guides Your Decisions?

Can you confidently answer the following questions? What is the revenue collection rate for each of your customers? What is the actual expense to service

Understanding the Purpose of a Loan's Financial Covenants

“I haven’t missed a single payment.” That is a sentence I have heard from almost every struggling borrower I have represented. The client
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