Our Thoughts On Archive

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Business Advisors

Articles 201 - 210 of 248

Key Fraud Considerations for Volunteer-led Organizations

Fraud has the potential to affect every business or organization. However, the risk of fraud within volunteer-led organizations is often overlooked. Volunteer-led

The State of the Automobile Industry

The automobile industry experienced a great year in 2015 with annual sales of light vehicles (SAAR) reaching an all-time high of 17.5 million units. As

Best Practices: Internal Controls at Not-for-Profit Organizations

In Pennsylvania alone, there are 63,345 not-for-profit organizations that employ over 15% of the state’s workforce. These organizations generate

What to do When Fraud Occurs

The letter arrived in the mail two days after I saw the story on the news; my credit card had been used at a hotel that was hacked last fall. On a work
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Forecasts for Valuations

The Income Approach to business valuation is based on the principle that the fair market value of an entity may be measured by the present value of its

Can a Vehicle-Related Benefits Program Reduce Costs?

A current issue within not-for-profit and governmental entities is whether it makes financial sense to provide vehicles to employees or to reimburse them

The Benefit of Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The development and monitoring of Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”) is a concept that has been around for quite some time. However, there

A Customer Files for Bankruptcy, What Now?

In light of Westinghouse’s bankruptcy filing, do you know what to do if a major customer of your company files for bankruptcy protection? If you
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Use Data Analysis to Reveal Patterns in a Fraud Investigation

In today’s increasingly data-driven world, companies utilize statistics collected on human behavior to direct their product development and marketing

The Impacts of Inventory Inflation Schemes Used to Commit Financial Statement Fraud

In the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ (“ACFE”) bi-annual Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, the ACFE presents
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