Our Thoughts On Archive

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Schneider Downs Professional

Articles 221 - 230 of 389

Museums to Receive Clarity on Accounting for Collections

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) will soon release for public comment a proposal revising its guidance on accounting for historical collections.

Is your PA business ready?

Starting in 2018, Pennsylvania is requiring businesses to withhold state income tax of 3.07% from all non-resident Form 1099 recipients paid over $5,000

Cybersecurity for Car Dealers: Indifference Is Not a Strategy

With cyber-attacks on the rise, it is hard to go a day without hearing or reading about a massive breach or incident. What the news outlets don’t

How Do You Measure the Success of Your Retirement Plan?

This article was co-written by Miles Gibson. There can never be enough questions for your Investment Committee to ask as it reviews your organization’s
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Regulatory Reform Bill Alleviating Burden on Banks and Credit Unions Progresses Through Congress

The United States Senate passed bill S. 2155 – Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act – a bipartisan reform bill that

Passphrases and Other Password Protection Strategies

Building a reputation for sound data privacy and robust security is challenging for many organizations in this digital age, especially those in the financial

Late To Comply with GDPR? Here Are Three Steps to Take Right Now.

Background The European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect on May 25, 2018. The regulation is specific to the

Changes to the Entertainment Expense

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanently repealed most business deductions related to entertainment, amusement or recreation activities or a facility used
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New Pennsylvania Withholding Requirement on 1099-MISC Filers for Non-Residents

*Alert* - The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue delayed the penalty for failure to withhold until July 1, 2018. See Our Thoughts On dated 2/9/2018. Under

Welcoming the New Year -- Recap of Federal Gas Tax Proposals, 2018 Pennsylvania Toll Increases and Pennsylvania Gas Tax Reductions

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania decreased both the wholesale motor fuels tax and the diesel fuels tax on gasoline by .006 cents on January 1, 2018. Despite
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