Our Thoughts On Archive

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Steven Barber

Articles 21 - 25 of 25

The Border Adjustment Tax is Out of the Tax Reform Plan

A hot topic at the National Auto Dealers Association Convention back in January was the Border Adjustment Tax (“BAT”). Auto dealers can be

Remember - Demos are Fringe Benefits

As we come out of tax season, we always encounter a few things that are worth following up with our automotive clients. Demonstrators (“demos”)

Bonus Depreciation on Facility Upgrades

Did you know that Congress recently expanded its definition of qualified property to which bonus depreciation can be applied? Starting in 2016, an improvement

Pennsylvania EITC Funds Increase

The amount of tax credits available under the Pennsylvania Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program has increased for the 2015/2016 fiscal year
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After You Buy a Round, Don't Forget the Receipt: What You Need to Know for Your Meals & Entertainment Expenses

When we are in entertainment mode, we take pride in buying a round of drinks for our friends. However, you should not forget the receipt and remember who
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