Our Thoughts On Archive

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Stephen Thimons

Articles 21 - 28 of 28

2019 Private Capital Markets Report

Spring brings with it many exciting things: the ability to go outside without 43 layers on, the March Madness broadcast, the vibrancy of cherry blossoms

Update on Proposed Tax Regulations Under Section 2704

In August and December of last year, we provided you with information and updates on proposed regulations under Section 2704 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Value of Forecast Models?

98% to 99%; 98%; 95%; 84%; 71%; What are these numbers? The odds that you will love this article? No – clearly that is 100%. These were the odds

The Value of Pokemon GO

Warren Buffet…Mark Zuckerberg…Elon Musk…Pikachu. One of these things is not like the others…right? Not so fast. Each of these
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Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and Goodwill Impairment for Public Companies and Not-for-Profit Organizations

Recently, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) discussed whether and how to change the subsequent (post-transaction) accounting

Lost Profits: Determining Avoided Costs (Part 2)

In my last article, I discussed how to calculate lost revenue related to a fire in ABC Company’s manufacturing facility. In this article, I will

Lost Profits: Determining Lost Revenue (Part 1)

One night, there is a fire in ABC Company’s manufacturing facility. Although the fire department responds and extinguishes the fire, there is significant

Determining Reasonable Royalty Damages in Patent Infringement Cases

In a prior article, we talked about determining lost profits damages in patent infringement cases. As discussed there, patent owners are to be compensated
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