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Schneider Downs Professional

Articles 341 - 350 of 389

Schneider Downs Wraps Up Another Successful United Way Campaign

For over 15 years, Schneider Downs has sponsored a company-wide campaign supporting the United Way and its many programs. With this year’s campaign

Passive Activity Losses Related to Real Estate Activities

Generally speaking, passive activities result from a business activity in which you do not materially participate. Any losses resulting from passive activities

Residential Land Developers and the Completed Contract Method of Accounting

Under IRC Section 460(e), taxpayers that have large home construction contracts could defer taxable income until 95% of estimated costs have been incurred.

Danger! Additional Monitoring Ahead: The New Uniform Grant Guidance Category for Not-for-Profits

As not-for-profits wind down the current year and solidify planning for the upcoming year, there is a new category to add to your checklist, subrecipient
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IRS Increases De Minimis Safe Harbor Threshold

The IRS issued Notice 2015-82 on November 24, 2015, stating that taxpayers without an applicable financial statement can elect to deduct purchases of tangible

Cheers! The BEER & BREW Acts of 2015 May Lower Excise Taxes on Beer

Two pieces of legislation are currently circulating in Congress regarding the Excise Tax on beer produced in the United States: The Fair Brewers Excise

Does Excess Working Capital Increase the Value of a Company?

What is the role of working capital in a business valuation? Pretend that your company is having a business valuation prepared for estate planning purposes

Ohio Personal Income Tax Residency Update

In the past year, there have been two Ohio residency developments that are of importance. Back in December 2014, Ohio House Bill 494 was signed into law,
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Informal Working Group Issues Findings on Ohio Severance Taxes

On October 22, 2015, the informal working group that was appointed by Governor John Kasich to study the severance tax climate in Ohio issued its findings

Affordable Care Act Reporting for Union Employees

Many employers are preparing themselves for their upcoming filing responsibilities under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). One area that has caused some uncertainty
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