Our Thoughts On Archive

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Patrick Kerns

Articles 31 - 34 of 34

Not-for-Profit Reporting Model - Part 5: Investment Return Accounting Changes

The proposed Accounting Standards Update on the Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities put forth by the Financial Accounting Standards

U.S. Court Says "Show Me the Money" to For-Profit Colleges

A recent ruling by a Federal Court puts continued pressure on the nation’s for-profit colleges. Those colleges have been under an increased level

Colleges and Universities Re-evaluate Cost-Cutting Approaches

Recent issues of the Chronicle of Higher Education have highlighted the fresh approaches that a few different schools have taken and how these approaches

Money Talks in the Higher Education Budgeting Process - Responsibility Center Manager Budgeting

As more organizations are embracing Responsibility Center Manager or RCM budgeting, it is challenging department chairs, deans and others with a new way
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