Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 31 - 38 of 38

Fraud Considerations for Lessees and Lessors

Better understand the risks associated with the implementation of new key controls or modify current controls surrounding lease accounting

International Fraud Awareness Week 2020

In support of Fraud Week, members of the Schneider Downs firm have written Our Thoughts On articles that discuss current topics in fraud investigation and prevention.

Coronavirus Fraud: Unfortunately, We Told You So

Learn more about FBI PPP-related investigations, involving hundreds of millions of dollars, while the Justice Department has already charged 73 defendants.

The IRS Wants to Verify Your Identity—Wait, Is This a Scam?

Learn more about tax payer identification and whether or not IRS Letter 5071C is legitimate.
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Using Text Mining Sentiment Analysis to Detect Fraud: An Enron Email Case Study

Most accounting professionals are familiar with the story of Enron – the former worldwide energy company that went bankrupt as a result of accounting

A Virtual Success: The ACFE Holds 31st Annual Global Fraud Conference

Learn more about the speakers and breakout sessions at the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Global Fraud Conference.

Fraud in the Retail Industry Due to COVID-19

Learn more about fraud in the retail industry due to the coronavirus pandemic and prevention steps to consider.
Learn more about some of the fraud cases the United States government is warning its citizens about COVID-19 fraud.
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