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Articles 451 - 460 of 814
Tax, Tax Reform
| 6.20.2018

IRS Releases Guidance Regarding TCJA Higher Education Excise Tax on Net Investment Income

On June 8, 2018, the IRS released Notice 2018-55 (“Notice”) regarding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act's 1.4% excise tax on the net investment

The Wayfair Case, Quill, and Sales and Use Tax Nexus History

On April 17, 2018 the United States Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc., challenging the long-standing law regarding

Use Tax - To Report or To Collect and Remit: That is the Question

If the United States Supreme Court upholds the physical presence standard in its South Dakota v. Wayfair opinion, many remote sellers lacking the physical

Tax Exempt Advisory Committee Weighs In on Current Issues

The Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (ACT) fosters public discussion of issues relevant to tax-exempt and government entities,
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IRS releases guidance to taxpayers for changing accounting methods to conform to financial accounting revenue recognition standards

On May 10, 2018, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2018-29 (hereinafter Rev. Proc. 2018-29) to provide new, automatic procedures for taxpayers changing

Congressional Research Service Releases Tax Policy Options on College Endowments

Educational institution endowments have come under attack from all sides lately. Whether it is the new excise tax on net investment income, a Congressman

Tariffs Pose Challenge to Construction Firms

Earlier this year, there were New Tariffs Proposed on Steel and Aluminum by President Trump. The tariffs amount to 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum imports.

IRS Announces 2017 Marginal Well Credit for Marginally Producing Natural Gas Properties

Natural gas well owners holding an operating interest in a qualified marginal well during 2017 are eligible to claim a $0.51 credit per qualified MCF,
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Pennsylvania Provides Clarification on Application of Nextel Decision

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue recently released Corporation Tax Bulletin 2018-02 to clarify its position on the application of the decision issued

New Revenue Procedure for Contributors Making Donation to Tax-Exempt Organizations

New Revenue Procedure 2018-32 modifies, consolidates and supersedes Rev. Proc. 81-6, Rev Proc. 81-7, Rev. Proc. 89-23 and Rev. Proc. 2011-33 in providing
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