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Schneider Downs

Articles 41 - 50 of 94

Estimated Tax Payment and Voucher Address Change as of July 1, 2020

Learn more about when estimated tax payments are due and IRS closing its Cincinnati mailing addresses

New Optional Standard Mileage Rates for 2020

Learn more about how the IRS relate the optional standard mileage rates for 2020

2020 Congressional Research Service Report on TCJA Impact on Families

Review the latest report regarding the Federal Income Tax Treatment of the Family Under the 2017 Tax Revisions.

TaxCaddy and Emerging Mobile Tax App Competition

Learn more about TaxCaddy and emerging mobile tax application competition
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Exempt Organizations: Do We File Schedule B or Not?

Learn about the filing options available to Tax-exempt organizations including Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors.

Fraud Detection Filters Causing Delays in Some IRS Refunds

The IRS continues to place premium importance on the prevention of identity theft and non-identify theft refund fraud, but its implementation of process

Fake Charities in the Wake of the Australia Wildfires

The devastating fires in Australia have become a worldwide concern, and people are looking to donate to charities aimed at helping with the crisis. Unfortunately,

Tax-Exempt Organizations Receiving an Increased Number of IRS Notices

Within the past month, we’ve seen a significant number of tax-exempt organizations receive notices from the IRS for a multitude of reasons, many
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Management and Performance Challenges for the IRS in 2020

Each year, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) evaluates IRS programs, operations, and management functions to identify the areas

IRS Releases First Guidance Regarding Cryptocurrency Since 2014

On October 9, the IRS released Revenue Ruling 2019-24, which offers the agency’s first cryptocurrency guidance since 2014. As described in our most
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