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Kirk Mitchell

Articles 1 - 10 of 71
Kirk Mitchell | 9.21.2023

Can “Moore” Tax be Refunded from IRS? How to Protect Your Potential Claim for Refund of §965 Foreign Corporation Transition Tax

Learn more about how to protect your potential claim for a refund of §965 Foreign Corporation Transition Tax.

IRS Releases Guidance on the Requirement to Capitalize Research and Experimental Expenditures

Learn more about the new capitalization requirements released in Notice 2023-63 regarding research and experimental expenditures.

Proposed Tax Legislation for 2023?

Learn more about the proposed bills referred to as the American Families and Jobs Act.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 – What Might be the Impact on 2023 Tax Legislation?

Read more about the bill's provisions signed into law on June 3rd, and how or if it will impact tax legislation.
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Kirk Mitchell | 3.29.2023

State Bureau Mails Incorrect Filing Notice Post Cards to Exempt Partnerships

Learn more on whether or not you need to file the Certificate of Annual Registration notice sent by the PA Dept of State.

The Biden Administration Releases Proposed Fiscal 2023/2024 Budget; Proposed Tax Changes Established a Moveable Line in the Sand

Learn more about the tax change proposals in the government's fiscal year 2024 budget.

SECURE 2.0 Act – Section 114. Deferral of Tax for Certain Sales of Employee Stock to Employee Stock Ownership Plan Sponsored by S Corporation

Learn more about Section 114. Deferral of Tax for Certain Sales of Employee Stock to ESOP Sponsored by S Corporation of the SECURE 2.0 Act.

SECURE 2.0 Act – Section 604. Optional Treatment of Employer Matching or Non-elective Contributions as Roth Contributions

Learn more about Section 604. Optional Treatment of Employer Matching or Non-elective Contributions as Roth Contributions of the SECURE 2.0 Act.
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SECURE 2.0 Act – Section 102. Modification of Credit for Small Employer Pension Start-Up Costs

Learn more about Section 102. Modification of Credit for Small Employer Pension Start-Up Costs of the SECURE 2.0 Act.

SECURE 2.0 Act – Section 111. Application for Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs to Employers Which Join an Existing Plan

Learn more about Section 111. Application for Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs to Employers Which Join an Existing Plan of the SECURE 2.0 Act.
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