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Marcy King

Articles 1 - 8 of 8

2022 Priorities of Focus for Financial Institutions

Read about the three biggest risk categories financial institutions should keep an eye on in 2022.

Climate Change – A Key Risk to Financial Stability

Learn more about climate change as the most significant emerging risk for the Department of Treasury and what financial institutions should consider now.

ERM for Financial Services

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a business strategy that aims to help organizations understand, articulate and control the nature and level of risks

CARES Act Includes Relief from CECL

Learn more about the CARES Act provisions allowing all financial institutions to postpone compliance with the Financial Accounting Standards Board's (FASB) standard on Current Expected Credit Losses, or CECL.
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The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Potential Effect on CECL

Learn more about the coronavirus pandemic's potential effect on Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL).

Continuous Monitoring and Auditing – A Growing Automation Trend in Internal Audit

Continuous monitoring and auditing are automated feedback tools used to monitor processes, transactions, IT systems and controls on a frequent or continuous

National Flood Insurance Program Extension

As I watched the pounding rain from my window for the third straight day, I could only imagine the damage this unpredictable spring weather was inflicting

Part Five in a Series: Managing Risks of Technologies Emerging as Business Opportunities: Chatbots

What are chatbots? Chatbots are computer programs or artificial intelligence (AI) that conduct a conversation via audio or text. These programs are typically
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