Our Thoughts On Archive

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Kirk Mitchell

Articles 51 - 60 of 71

Proposed House Bill Would Eliminate State and Local Tax Deduction Cap

House Democrats have proposed a bill that would remove the $10,000 cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions. Called the “Restoring Tax Fairness

TCJA – Could 2019 Taxable Income be Higher than Projected?

As we approach the end of 2019, two separate changes in reporting of gross income from providing goods and/or services could combine for an unpleasant

Advance Payments: Potential for Longer Term Deferral under Newly Issued Regulations, Repeal of Regulation §1.451-5

Back in July, the IRS formally removed regulation §1.451-5 from the Code of Federal Regulation. The regulation had permitted some companies to defer

IRS Releases Advance Payment Proposed Regulations for Accrual Method Taxpayers, Providing One-Year Deferral

On September 5, the IRS released guidance in the form of proposed regulations (Prop. Reg. §1.451-8) that address the receipt of payments from customers
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Additional Opportunity Zone Regulations Issued

On April 17, the IRS finally issued additional guidance (the 4/17 proposed regulations) concerning qualified opportunity zone (QOZ) investments following

Significant Tax Savings Available Using Qualified Opportunity Zones: Proposed Regulations Issued

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finally issued much needed guidance, in the form of proposed regulations, on Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs). The

Business Meals Remain Deductible

On Wednesday, October 3, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Tax Notice 2018-76 confirming our conclusion reached in March 2018 that certain

The interplay of the new charitable deduction regulations and state and local tax credits

There is a lot of concern, and possibly even misconceptions, regarding the (practical) impact of the proposed charitable contribution regulations that
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IRS Releases Proposed Regulations on the 20% Qualified Business Income Deduction for Flow-through Businesses

On August 8, the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service released long-awaited regulations on the 20% deduction for pass-through businesses whose

Investment in Opportunity Zones Can Yield Significant Tax Benefits (Part 1 - Introduction)

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “Act”) signed into law back in December contains a number of tax beneficial provisions. One that should catch
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