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Articles 51 - 60 of 814
Tax, Tax Reform
Derek Godwin | 1.16.2023

Research and Development Tax Capitalization Rules: Are You Ready?

Learn more about the Research and Development Tax Capitalization Rules and determine if any of your R&D costs qualify for the R&D tax credit when making 2022 tax payments.

New Standard Mileage Rates Announced

Learn more about the IRS's recent adjustments to optional standard mileage rates.
Corynn Moore | 1.13.2023

Post-Hurricane Financial Support for Florida Homeowners

Learn more about the application for the Hurricane Ian or Hurricane Nicole Tax Refund and who is deemed eligible to receive this tax refund.

Emerging Technology Companies and the R&D Tax Credit

Learn more about how emerging technology companies can maximize the R&D Tax Credit incentive.
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SEC and PCAOB Developments Conference Day 2

Learn more about the topics covered on day two of the Current Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Public Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Developments Conference.

Why We Focus on Industry Specialization

Read more on our ongoing dedication to industry specialization, and the value this brings to our clients.

Potential Income Tax Attribute Limitation with Ownership Change

Learn more about what is considered a triggering event under Section 382 resulting in potential income tax attribute limitation with ownership Change.
Tax, Tax Policy
James Sayre | 12.2.2022

Accounting for Pennsylvania Corporate Income Tax Rate Change

Learn more about the considerations you should take when adjusting deferred tax balances due to the signed PA House Bill 1342 signed into law on July 8, 2022.
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Automobile, Tax
Steven Barber | 11.17.2022

The FTC Safeguards Rules Are Extended to June 9, 2023

Read more about The Federal Trade Commission extending its deadline to implement its safeguards rules for dealerships until June of 2023.

Want More Money? Start Investing Early

Read more on the best retirement savings options for young adults based on their tax bracket.
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