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Evan Ogrodnik

Articles 1 - 10 of 12

The Sting of Section 163(j) for Private Equity-Owned Companies

Learn more about the enacted IRC Section 163(j) impact on Private equity-owned Companies and how you can mitigate the sting.

Final 163(j) Regulations a Win for Manufacturers and Private Equity-Owned Businesses

In late July, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued final regulations on Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 163(j) that limits the deductibility of

Modification of Credit Prior Year Minimum

Learn what changes were made to the IRC Section 53(e) due to the CARES Act and impact on businesses.

Delay of Payment Employer Payroll Taxes

Learn more about the Delay of Payment of Employer Payroll Taxes found within the CARES Act and other opportunities.
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Income Tax Due Diligence – A Critical Piece of Acquisition Due Diligence

In addition to a comprehensive sales and use tax review, a thorough income tax review is critical in the overall tax diligence process that a buyer must

Tax Reform Update Series: Tax Reform and the Impact to Your ETR

House Republicans released their long-awaited tax reform bill on Thursday, November 2, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“Act”). As promised by Republican

The Future is Now - Autonomous Vehicles are Here

If you have walked or driven around downtown Pittsburgh in the past six months, you may have noticed a few cars on the road that look like they are straight

In a Contentious Election Year, Tax Reform and Regulations Cited as Important Factors in 2016 Manufacturers' Economic Survey

Tax reform, environmental laws and other government regulations were cited among the factors most likely to impact manufacturers in the coming year, according
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The Proposed 2017 Federal Budget and Its Impact on Manufacturers

Earlier this month, President Obama released his final federal budget proposal for fiscal year 2017. The proposal has implications to a broad scope of
Evan Ogrodnik | 12.10.2015

All I Want for Christmas Is My Tax Extenders

‘Twas three weeks before the New Year and all through the land, no one was quite sure where the tax extenders stand. Men and women of Congress work
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