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Nancy Skeans

Articles 1 - 4 of 4

Financial Boot Camp Series: Getting your Digital Ducks in Order

Getting your Digital Ducks in Order Nancy L. Skeans, CPA, CFP® CEO, Schneider Downs Wealth Management Advisors What are your digital ducks, you ask?

Financial Boot Camp Series: Managing Your Buckets

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2020. If we think back just twelve months, we were starting 2019 after a significant market downturn that started in the

Year-End Tax Savings Ideas, Third in a Series: Maximize Tax-Deferred Savings into Retirement Accounts

It’s not too late to take advantage of the tax-deferred treatment of assets in retirement accounts for 2016. In addition to the tax deduction, the

Year-End Tax Savings Ideas, Second in a Series: Charitable Gifting Strategies - Boost Your Tax Benefits

Financial markets have appreciated over the past several years leaving investors with some significant gains in their taxable investment accounts. An investor
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