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Business Process Optimization

Articles 1 - 6 of 6

‘Work Smarter, Not Harder’ – Can Your Organization Benefit from a Business Process Review?

Learn how a Business Process Review helps to optimize the current state of an organization and identify opportunities and increase value.
Read more about an IIA report which provides perspective from key members of risk management functions and offers insight on potential areas of focus over the next year.

Successfully Transitioning Significant Processes During Business Succession

When preparing to exit their business, many owners will need to hand off the tasks for which they have always been responsible. It comes with the territory

What has COVID-19 taught us about our businesses processes?

Learn more about how businesses have adapted to address the challenges of working remotely through the coronavirus pandemic.
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Learn how Schneider Downs helps companies improve Business Process Optimization due to the technology impact frown COVID-19.

The Value of Business Process Analysis in your Succession Plan

Learn more about how succession plans can help you to prepare for a smooth transition to ensure that changes do not affect normal operations.
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