Our Thoughts On Archive

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Jennifer Doering

Articles 1 - 10 of 21

Estate and Succession Planning: Eat the Elephant!

Read Part One of our Exit and Succession Planning Series on why it's never too early to begin forming your estate plan.

The IRS Hunt for S Corporation Compensation Underreporting

Learn more about the IRS hunt for S Corporation underreporting and hear recommendations from the TIGTA.

Goodwill Impairment Trends and the Impact of COVID-19

Read more about the 2020 U.S. Goodwill Impairment Study that was released in February 2021.

COVID-19 and the Equity Risk Premium Used in Business Valuation

Learn how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting business valuation and what this means to investors.
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Houston, We Have a Problem Innovation Series, Part #3

This is the third post in a series on innovation. The series starts here: A Valuation of Innovation. Innovation requires taking smart risks. The natural

Dear Diary Innovation Series, Post #2

This is the second post in a series on innovation. To see the first post in the series, follow this link: A Valuation of Innovation. Innovation can increase

A Valuation of Innovation

There is a lot going on at Schneider Downs these days! Service offerings are expanding, our geographic footprint is growing, and new talent continues to
Do your company’s plans for 2019 include the potential for a merger or acquisition? If so, then it would appear you have plenty of company. Deloitte’s
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In the world of mergers and acquisitions, it is useful to study past transactions to provide benchmarks and to understand trends in an industry. One source
Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in society by providing services and grants that support a wide range of initiatives in fields such as medicine,
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