Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1361 - 1370 of 1913
State and Local Tax
| 9.26.2017

PA House Passes Budget

On September 13, 2017, Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives passed its revenue plan of $2.2 billion to balance the state’s budget. The vote

Equifax Data Breach - How to Protect Your Organization and its Sensitive Data

Last week, credit reporting bureau Equifax reported that personal data belonging to approximately 143 million U.S. consumers was compromised in a massive
With the recent turmoil in Congress over health care mandates, one thing has become crystal clear: Health Savings Account (HSA) may be your best option.

The Effect of Technology on Higher Education Enrollment

In a competitive marketplace, businesses are always competing for ways to attract more customers. At higher education institutions, the competition is
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College Tuition Costs...Declining?

It’s no surprise the massive amount of debt that college students have amassed over the last three decades can be attributed in part due to rising

IRS May Audit Deceased Spouse's Estate Tax Return if Portability Elected

The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 introduced a new concept known as “portability” to the

The Border Adjustment Tax is Out of the Tax Reform Plan

A hot topic at the National Auto Dealers Association Convention back in January was the Border Adjustment Tax (“BAT”). Auto dealers can be

Equihacked? The Equifax Breach, Questions and Answers.

As many of you may have already read in the headlines, a massive information breach occurred recently at credit reporting bureau Equifax. According to
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Website Launched for Grant Seekers to Review Foundations

GrantAdvisor.org is an electronic platform recently launched that allows grant applicants and recipients to review foundations and provide comments on

Equifax Breach - Are You One of the 143 Million Affected?

Credit Agency Compromise On Thursday September 7th Equifax, one of the main credit reporting and monitoring services, announced their system had been breached.
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