Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1381 - 1390 of 1913

Will Tax Cuts for Brewers and Distillers Be Part of Tax Reform?

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is looking to reduce the tax burden on small and large brewers and distilleries. They have introduced the Craft Beverage

Using the Composite Financial Index as a Self-Benchmarking Tool

The Composite Financial Index (CFI), which was developed for use by institutions of higher education, is a very effective tool for self-benchmarking. While

Avoiding Common Issues in Your Single Audit

Thomson Reuters published a white paper on some of the most common issues encountered in single audits for the year ended June 30, 2016. The top lessons

Data Security and Public Breaches

Large-scale data breaches continue to fill the tabloids and make rounds on nightly news circuits. Various public entities, such as Target, Home Depot and
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Preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

History and Overview The European Union (EU) introduced its data protection standard 20 years ago through the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. Since

The Autonomous Vehicle Revolution and Its Impact on Commercial Real Estate

Driverless vehicles are coming and will dramatically change the commercial real estate landscape. Many of the world's largest corporations have been

The "Big Six's" Joint Statement on Tax Reform

A group of ranking members of both the legislative and executive branches recently issued a statement listing their goals for unified tax reform. The "Big

Strategic Enablers: Digital Speed and Agility in the Retail Industry

Schneider Downs Retail Industry group members attended the Columbus Retail Summit last week. At one session, experts from Abercrombie and Fitch, Homage,
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FASB Proposes Improvements to Not-For-Profit Grant and Contribution Accounting

Several stakeholder groups, including the AICPA, FASB NFP Advisory Committee and others, have raised concerns over the difficulty encountered by many not-for-profit

Reviewing a Form 990 as a Board Member

Beginning in 2008, the Internal Revenue Service requires disclosure of 1.) whether an organization’s Form 990 itself has been provided to the filing
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