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Articles 1451 - 1460 of 1913

PA Law on Payroll Card Use

Last November, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed into law the Payroll Cards (pay cards) Bill S.B. 1265. This law became effective May 3, 2017. Until

Be Aware: WannaCry is out and it's potentially dangerous.

WannaCry, the latest cyber-attack to make its way into the mainstream news hit the internet right before Mother’s Day 2017. Reports came in from

Impact of NFP Reporting Model on Board-Designated Net Assets

In 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) released Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2016-14, Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-For-Profit

Best Practices: Internal Controls at Not-for-Profit Organizations

In Pennsylvania alone, there are 63,345 not-for-profit organizations that employ over 15% of the state’s workforce. These organizations generate
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What to do When Fraud Occurs

The letter arrived in the mail two days after I saw the story on the news; my credit card had been used at a hotel that was hacked last fall. On a work

Fringe Benefits - Manufacturing Tax Tips

A fringe benefit is a form of pay for the performance of services given by the provider of the benefit to the recipient of the benefit. An example would

Forecasts for Valuations

The Income Approach to business valuation is based on the principle that the fair market value of an entity may be measured by the present value of its

Guaranteed Payments Are the Only Amount Subject to Self-Employment Tax, Right?

On Wednesday, April 12, the Tax Court issued a memorandum decision Castigliola¹ that addressed the self-employment tax characterization of income
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Can a Vehicle-Related Benefits Program Reduce Costs?

A current issue within not-for-profit and governmental entities is whether it makes financial sense to provide vehicles to employees or to reimburse them
Tax Reform
Ryan Broze | 4.27.2017

The Trump Administration Reveals its Fundamental Principles for Tax Reform

In the White House’s briefing on April 26, it was made clear that tax reform is all about creating more jobs and growing the economy. The details
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