Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1471 - 1480 of 1913

Modernizing the Tax Sales Tax System or Just Another Tax Hike?

As state legislators and governors argue over new budgets, you will often hear or read stories about the need to modernize the sales tax system. The justification

The Overwhelming Influence of Mobile Devices in the Retail Industry

For as long as we can remember, retailers have sought out new and innovative ways to get consumers into traditional brick-and-mortar stores throughout
Having 20 years’ experience dealing with both governmental and not-for-profit agencies, I can honestly say that management letter comments (material

Questions Remain on the Trump Administration's Infrastructure Plans

During the campaign, President Trump routinely touted the $1 trillion infrastructure spending plan that would create millions of jobs. As policies begin
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International Business Update

On March 7, Schneider Downs hosted the members of the Western Pennsylvania Global Business Forum at the Rivers Club. The Forum was founded by Mark Santo

Approved IRS Form 1023-EZ Data Now Available Online

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that it will now make approved Form 1023-EZ data available to the public through its website. Form 1023-EZ,

Recognizing Revenue - Revenue May Be Recognized More Quickly Under ASU 2014-09 Relating to the Sale of Software Licenses

ASU 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, will have a significant effect across all industries; however, the software industry is likely to see

The Border Adjustment Tax

Last summer, House GOP members released their blueprint on tax reform, "A Better Way, Our Vision for a Confident America." The GOP members stated
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Exempt Organizations Extension Changes To A Single Request

As a result of the Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015, this January, the IRS released an updated version of

Losing your phone is no longer just an inconvenience.

For many of us, a cell phone has become an indispensable tool in our daily life. We use it to communicate with others, to take pictures, and to keep track
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