Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1661 - 1670 of 1913
Dave Snyder | 4.13.2016

In-Memory Computing: Will Real-Time Analytics Be Available in the Near Future?

Who has waited for several minutes for a report to run only to finally realize a run-time error caused the report to fail? Yes, we all have. A new technology

Proposed IRS Legislation Threatens Small Business Retirement Plans

The IRS recently released a proposed regulation that could be unusually threatening to small business retirement plans. In summary, the proposal would

Postcard from NACUBO Higher Education Accounting Forum

Greetings from sunny Orlando, Florida, the location of the 2016 National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) Higher Education

The ACFE's Newly Issued Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse

Many of us are familiar with the cartoon depiction of a character battling its conscience. The character is shown with an angel on one shoulder and a demon
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Dennis Mowrey | 4.5.2016

A Reminder for Taxpayers with Home-Based Businesses

The Internal Revenue Service sent out a message last week to remind taxpayers with home-based businesses that, when filling out their 2015 federal individual

Number of Banks Eligible for Longer Exam Cycle Increases

On February 19, 2016, Federal bank regulators unveiled an interim final rule increasing the number of small banks and savings associations eligible for

Safe Harbor 2.0 - Update

In our Winter edition of OnPoint I discussed the European Union’s October 6 ruling against the Safe Harbor data-sharing agreement between the United

Don't Forget to Depreciate: PATH Extends Bonus Depreciation

On December 18, 2015, Congress passed the “Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes” (“PATH”) Act, which preserves, modifies, and extends
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Bob Whalen | 3.24.2016

The Apps That Keep Me Organized: Smart Phone Apps to Manage Your Work Life

As the winter season comes to an end and the spring season starts, so goes for my kids and their youth sport seasons. I reminisce on how much technology

Healthcare Organizations Can Implement the NIST Cybersecurity Framework with HITRUST

Healthcare organizations face growing challenges in regards to protecting their patient information. Recent studies found that the healthcare sector had
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