Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1741 - 1750 of 1913
Evan Ogrodnik | 12.10.2015

All I Want for Christmas Is My Tax Extenders

‘Twas three weeks before the New Year and all through the land, no one was quite sure where the tax extenders stand. Men and women of Congress work

Residential Land Developers and the Completed Contract Method of Accounting

Under IRC Section 460(e), taxpayers that have large home construction contracts could defer taxable income until 95% of estimated costs have been incurred.

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and Goodwill Impairment for Public Companies and Not-for-Profit Organizations

Recently, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) discussed whether and how to change the subsequent (post-transaction) accounting

Employer's Guide to the ACA Reporting Requirements: Affordable Care Act Whitepaper Now Available

Schneider Downs has released a detailed whitepaper, Employer’s Guide to the New ACA Reporting Standards. This whitepaper was developed to provide
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Danger! Additional Monitoring Ahead: The New Uniform Grant Guidance Category for Not-for-Profits

As not-for-profits wind down the current year and solidify planning for the upcoming year, there is a new category to add to your checklist, subrecipient

FAST Act - Highway Funding is in Place for the Next Five Years

On December 4, 2015 President Obama signed the “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act” which was recently passed by the Senate

Understanding Procurement Cards Benefits and Pitfalls

As organizations look to gain a better handle on their procurement process, provide an additional level of control and help to either control or reduce

IRS Increases De Minimis Safe Harbor Threshold

The IRS issued Notice 2015-82 on November 24, 2015, stating that taxpayers without an applicable financial statement can elect to deduct purchases of tangible
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Postcard from The Motor City

On November 12, I attended a reception in Detroit sponsored by the German American Chamber of Commerce of Midwest Michigan. The Key Note speaker was Mchigan

Cheers! The BEER & BREW Acts of 2015 May Lower Excise Taxes on Beer

Two pieces of legislation are currently circulating in Congress regarding the Excise Tax on beer produced in the United States: The Fair Brewers Excise
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