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Estate Planning

Articles 41 - 50 of 61

Taxation and Information Reporting for Foreign Trusts

The U.S. taxation and information reporting imposed on foreign trusts can be quite complex. A trust is the foreign trust if it is not the U.S. trust. A
How would you spend 8,000 days? Joseph F. Coughlin, Ph.D., the founder and director of the MIT AgeLab, has reframed the understanding of our lifespan by

The IRS is Rewriting the Rules on Valuation Discounts

On August 2, 2016, the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) unveiled proposed regulations under Section 2704 of the Internal Revenue Code that
Estate Planning, Tax
| 8.25.2016

The IRS Makes Changes to Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Rules

A charitable remainder annuity trust (“CRAT”) can be a powerful estate planning tool for taxpayers who wish to make charitable contributions
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The IRS Continues Its Assault on Family Limited Partnerships

A family limited partnership (“FLP”) can be a valuable estate planning tool for wealthy individuals and families. When structured properly,
If you are age 70½ the federal government has given you a permanent gift with new legislation that may give you a break on your income tax. At that

Updated: Consistent Basis Reporting Is Now the Law of the Land

This article is updated information from our original article posted on February 24, 2016. Recent changes to the law have imposed new reporting requirements

Consistent Basis Reporting Is Now the Law of the Land

Please see our recent article for updates regarding Form 8971. Recent changes to the law have imposed new reporting requirements upon executors of decedents’
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Do You Have an Estate Plan for Digital Assets?

As digital presence of an individual continues to grow, the question of the digital assets estate planning is starting to emerge. There are obvious reasons

Gift Tax Returns: What's With All the Questions?!

With the October 15 deadline for gift tax returns behind us, clients and other tax groups at Schneider Downs may have at times felt bombarded with questions
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