5 Key Indicators Your Human Capital Needs Digital Transformation

How can digital transformation help maximize the value of an organization’s human capital?

Digital transformation can be defined several ways. At Schneider Downs, we define digital transformation as the use of technology and business process optimization to improve the stakeholder experience.

But even beyond the basic definition, we also like to consider exactly how digital transformation truly impacts an organization’s people, processes and technologies.

In this article, we explore some of the key indicators that a company may need digital transformation to help with personnel-related shortcomings and opportunities.

1. Keeping Pace with Growth

Organizations that are growing fast due to acquisition, new markets or market demand will most likely run into a scenario where their people simply cannot keep pace. This is not due to lack of effort or work ethic on their part; the simple fact is that there are only so many hours in a week and scaling manual processes to accelerated growth is a recipe for failure.

2. High Turnover in Specific Areas of the Business

Unusually high levels of turnover in specific departments of an organization may be a sign that digital transformation is needed. Antiquated technology or processes may be causing workers unnecessary stress and extra hours, leading to turnover.

3. Inability to Find and Retain Talent

Is your organization struggling to find or retain talent? Organizations that bog down their staff with dated technology and processes run the risk not only of high turnover, but also of not being able to attract new talent.

4. Misalignment of Roles and Responsibilities

Do you have members of your C-suite or senior management team spending time on manual tasks such as searching through piles of spreadsheets or moving files between endless applications? Not only are tasks like these unnecessary, but they’re also simply not a good use of time, especially for executives and senior staff.

Think about some of the most time-consuming tasks you or your co-workers spend time on – are they a good use of time? Do they fall under your job responsibilities? Is there an easier way they could be done? If the answers are yes, digital transformation may be a good option.

5. Single Point of Failure

In the context of people, a single point of failure is an individual that there is no backup for – if this person quits or leaves, so does the business operation or process. The old adage of only being as strong as your weakest link really applies in this scenario and, believe it or not, we have first-hand experience seeing entire organizations coming to a halt when a person leaves unexpectedly or retires early.

If any of the points noted above resonate with you, it may be time to consider how a digital transformation may help or organization improve your human capital, processes and technology.

If you are interested in learning how Schneider Downs can help your organization with digital transformation, please contact the team at [email protected].

This article is part of series highlighting the different ways digital transformation can improve critical functions across organizations. Additional articles include:

Is Your Organization Ready for Digital Transformation?

Take our brief Digital Transformation Readiness quiz to find out!

Digital Transformation Resources

About Schneider Downs Digital Transformation

The Schneider Downs Digital Transformation team leverages technological innovations and our business expertise to develop strategic transformative solutions that drive business process improvement for organizations of all sizes.

To learn more, visit our dedicated Digital Transformation page. 

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