Our Thoughts On Archive

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Risk Advisory/Internal Audit

Articles 71 - 80 of 147

Continued Compliance with CAISO SQMD Requirements in Non-Reporting Years

Is your utility company ensuring continued compliance with the CAISO SQMD requirements during non-reporting years? With the California Independent System

Bill S. 1564 Calls for Delay of CECL Implementation Until a Quantitative Economic Impact Study is Completed

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued a new expected credit loss accounting standard in June 2016. This new standard introduces the current

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

Before you finish typing a key word in the search bar, it may appear as if your thoughts have been predicted. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine

Why Higher Education Institutions Must Comply with GDPR

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in effect for 10 months. One sector that has been affected by the newly enforced regulation,
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Minimizing Higher Ed Risks - Utilizing Internal Audit and Data Analytics

We’ve all seen various colleges and universities in the news lately, and the news was not always positive. Higher education institutions face a varied

Enterprise Risk Management in Higher Education, and How Internal Audit Can Help

Recent history indicates that the pace of change in Higher Education is unprecedented; however, institutions are only seeing a modest increase in the use

Financial Institutions - Regs on Regs on Regs

Last month a colleague and I were fortunate to attend the PA Bankers Association, School of Compliance in Harrisburg, PA. The training consisted of three

RPAs Have a Role in SOX Cost Reduction and Efficiency

If you’re a public entity, you know the strain SOX testing puts on company resources: the time to discuss controls and walkthrough processes with
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Part Five in a Series: Managing Risks of Technologies Emerging as Business Opportunities: Chatbots

What are chatbots? Chatbots are computer programs or artificial intelligence (AI) that conduct a conversation via audio or text. These programs are typically

Part Four in a Series: Managing Risks of Technologies Emerging as Business Opportunities: Robotic Process Automation

Are you tired of sending the same email every week? How about searching for information from past audit documents? Lucky for you, a resolution for these
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