All Tuned-Up and Ready to Go: Keeping Your Automotive Dealership Compliant

Nothing gives you more confidence than when you leave the dealership with your car all tuned-up.  The same concept was the goal with our “Dealer Tune-Up” event that we just completed in both Columbus and Pittsburgh during the week of February 16.  Instead of your car being in working order, we wanted our dealer clients and friends to leave our live seminar with a better understanding of the six practices that we discussed to keep your business compliant.

We had a great group join us at both locations with a nice mix of presentations from our Schneider Downs specialists and outside guest speaker.  The topics discussed were as follows:

  • Record retention
  • Document safeguarding
  • Proper accounting and tax treatment of dealer demonstrators
  • Payroll tax withholdings and filings
  • State and local tax issues

We received great feedback on the topics and were pleased with the interaction from the audience.  We had a variety of attendees, from dealership payroll administrators to controllers to dealership principals.

If you were unable to attend and one of the above topics caught your interest, please let us know.  We will be happy to discuss the topic with you individually.

Please be on the lookout for future webinars and live seminars provided to you by your Schneider Downs Auto Dealer Advisors.

If you have any additional comments or would like to recommend a topic for a future webinar or live seminars, please contact Steve Barber.

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The Schneider Downs Our Thoughts On blog exists to create a dialogue on issues that are important to organizations and individuals. While we enjoy sharing our ideas and insights, we’re especially interested in what you may have to say. If you have a question or a comment about this article – or any article from the Our Thoughts On blog – we hope you’ll share it with us. After all, a dialogue is an exchange of ideas, and we’d like to hear from you. Email us at [email protected].

Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice. Please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

© 2023 Schneider Downs. All rights-reserved. All content on this site is property of Schneider Downs unless otherwise noted and should not be used without written permission.

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