From the Classroom to the Recording Studio: How Universities May Use the Flipped Classroom Concept

For many of us, the thought of college classes conjures up images of lecture halls, professors speaking from podiums, and chalkboards full of definitions and formulas.  This tried-and-true style of teaching has been proven to be very effective over the years and has, until now, withstood the test of time.     

Like almost every other walk of life, the proliferation of the internet and rapidly changing technology has had a dramatic impact on the higher education sector as a whole.  The higher education community has kept a very close eye on how new mediums of education, such as online colleges and MOOCs, might impact the traditional brick and mortar school.  While debate continues on the pros and cons of these types of education, it’s clear that today’s students, particularly those 18- to 22-year-olds, are technology savvy and demanding of new and innovative ways to incorporate technology into the learning process. 

The concept of the flipped classroom has gained some traction by many faculty members across the country.  The flipped classroom seeks to reverse the old style of teaching, where classroom time is spent on lectures and then students work on homework and other exercises outside of class, to a model where students view a video lecture before attending class and then the classroom time is spent on discussion, questions and other exercises.        

In response to this growing trend, a number of colleges and universities are adding on-campus recording studios to help faculty in this endeavor.  Schools such as Harvard, Penn State, Ohio State and others have recently built studios specifically for the faculty.  These schools have designed their studios to be easy to use and, in some cases, completely self-service production facilities. 

How faculty will choose to use these studios is only limited by their own creativity.  In addition to the flipped classroom concept, some faculty members have used these studios to help supplement lectures in many other new and interesting ways. 

Will faculty recording studios become the norm on college campuses?  It remains to be seen.  However, one thing is clear; changing technology combined with changing student expectations has provided the higher education community with a great opportunity to find new and exciting ways to deliver a world-class education.    

Visit the Higher Education Our Thoughts On blog for additional articles regarding the sector and learn about the services that Schneider Downs offers colleges and universities.

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