Cybersecurity and nonprofits: Time to button up!

If you were to look up the biggest data breaches over the last 10 years, you would find a gathering of some of the largest companies in the world, many of which are familiar to the average person.  While any significant loss of data or large security breach of one of these companies is likely to make headlines, nonprofit organizations and their leaders should be on high alert when it comes cybersecurity within their organization.

While one might assume that hackers and those trying to breach the virtual walls of security to organizations might tend to go after the large, public companies due to their ‘deeper pockets’, statistics show that nonprofit organizations, particularly those in healthcare, are just as likely to be targeted.  Hackers tend to assume that smaller, nonprofit organizations have less sophisticated security systems that make their data and underlying records more susceptible to breaching and corruption.

With this in mind, those charged with governance within nonprofit organizations should recognize that while they may not have the excessive amounts of cash and funds that a large, for-profit corporation may have on hand, their entity can house a significant amount of sensitive data.  Any breach or compromising of such data could be potentially disastrous for the organization and its future.

If you have any questions on your company’s cybersecurity, our technology services group is here to help!

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