
One of the many challenges facing businesses today is disruption.  Disruption comes in many forms.  One that has hit the oil and gas sector is the current economic downturn.  Granted, things have stabilized slightly, but the industry is still feeling its effects.

At the recent Marcellus Shale Coalition June meeting, several members of the supply chain committee expressed their thoughts about their challenges.  One point was their inability to find workers.  They noted that, at best, only 60% of employees laid-off are interested in returning to the industry.  This low return risk is common for drillers, completion services, water haulers, etc.  Downturn or not, individuals need to find jobs and will move on.

Compounding this issue is that subcontractors are also struggling finding workers.  Members of the supply chain committee also expressed concerns about workers’ training, in particular, safety training.  Additional concerns regarding background and security were raised by committee members.

These factors present challenges, however, the laws of supply and demand will come together and provide solutions.  With enough incentive, workers, both inexperienced and experienced, will come back to the industry, but at a cost.

If your business needs help navigating through disruption, we invite you to contact your Schneider Downs representativeFor additional information, visit the Our Thoughts On... blog.

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