Greetings from Berlin

Recently, I traveled to Berlin to meet with several German high-tech/start-up companies looking to establish or expand their U.S. presence. The city boasts many entrepreneurial businesses.  Some German business leaders say there is a new business born in Berlin every 20 minutes.  After London, Berlin has the highest population of start-ups in Europe—who knew?  Many European entrepreneurs move to Berlin to seek funding, infrastructure and a gateway to the rest of Europe.  And, as the capital of the country, there are many foreign investors around looking for projects to fund.

In a very multicultural and modern city, the old and new (East and West) blend together to create a unique business climate.  While the city has embraced its Cold War legacy, it is quickly moving past this history to create a vibrant, metropolitan and prosperous region for its residents, including many young folks who move to Berlin for university and career opportunities, particularly fast-paced high-tech, digital and high-growth businesses.

The above photo is a view of the interior courtyard of the Sony Center in Potsdamer Platz, built by Sony and Daimler.  The area was previously part of “no man’s land” during the Cold War era.  It has now become a major commercial center.

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