Three New Cybersecurity Bills Pass the House

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed three major cybersecurity bills in a continuation of legislation aimed at strengthening national cybersecurity. 

All the bills passed with overwhelming bipartisan support, with members on both sides of the aisle favoring strengthening network security and increasing cyber literacy. The three bills are listed below with links to full descriptions, as well as to the bill sponsors and house vote counts.

H.R. 2685 – The Understanding Cybersecurity of Mobile Networks Act (Passed 404-19)

Sponsors: Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) - This bill requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to examine and report on the cybersecurity of mobile service networks and the vulnerability of such networks and mobile devices to cyberattacks and surveillance conducted by adversaries. 

H.R. 4055 American Cybersecurity Literacy Act (Passed 408-17)

Sponsor: Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) - This bill requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to develop and conduct a cybersecurity literacy campaign to increase knowledge and awareness of best practices to reduce cybersecurity risks. 

H.R. 4045 – The FUTURE Networks Act (Passed: 394-27)

Sponsors: Mike Doyle (D-PA), Bill Johnson (R-OH) - This bill directs the Federal Communications Commission to establish a task force called the “6G Task Force”, to examine the potential advantages and vulnerabilities of the future use of 6G technology. 

“Today the House came together to pass three critical bipartisan bills that aim to strengthen our telecommunications networks for a safer, more secure wireless future,” Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Doyle (D-PA) said in a joint statement. “Together, these bills will promote the secure, thoughtful deployment of our next generation 6G networks, arm Americans with the information and tools they need to protect themselves from cyberattacks, and improve wireless network security in the face of growing cybersecurity attacks on our critical infrastructure.”

With the major cyber-attacks from this year still fresh on everybody’s mind, cybersecurity continues to emerge as a priority for the federal government and as a key focus for the Biden Administration. 

Additionally, recognition of cybersecurity's increasing importance recently led U.S. financial regulators to approve the Computer-Security Incident Notification Requirements for Banking Organizations and Their Bank Services Providers.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) approved the regulation, which will apply exclusively to financial institutions regulated and/or insured by one of the governing bodies or to organizations that provide services to a regulated bank.

The regulation requires banking organizations to report significant cyber incidents that impact operations, service delivery or financial sector stability within 36 hours of discovery. It takes effect on April 1, 2022 with full compliance expected by May 1, 2022.

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