Louisiana Issues Filing Extension After Ransomware Attack

The state of Louisiana became the latest victim of a string of cybersecurity incidents involving government agencies when a ransomware attack impacted the Louisiana Department of Revenue (“Department”) on November 18. The attack impacted certain services, including the Louisiana Taxpayer Access Point and Parish e-file websites. With the sites down or functioning at impaired levels, taxpayers were unable to file electronic returns or make tax payments. In response, the Department issued Revenue Information Bulletin No. 19-017, stating that it expects services to be restored in a few days and providing a filing and payment extension until November 25, 2019. Any applicable returns filed and paid by that date will have penalties and interest automatically abated.

Louisiana is no stranger to cyberattacks. This summer, a series of ransomware incidents targeting schools and district offices impacted websites, email systems and phone servers of several state agencies. While Louisiana government is confident the recent attack didn’t expose any confidential taxpayer information, it’s important for all organizations to be aware of these incidents. And while larger companies are certainly appealing targets for ransomware attacks, smaller companies are also at risk.

Does your company have a process in place to stay current with cybersecurity developments? It should, since attackers are constantly creating new ways to hack into computer systems. That’s where Schneider Downs comes in. We can assist your business in staying ahead of the curve with prevention as well as recovery from cyberattacks. For examples of our cybersecurity capabilities, check out the following articles:

The Schneider Downs Risk Advisory Services and Cybersecurity team has the experience to assist with making sure your company becomes – and remains – protected. For information on our available services, please contact us at [email protected]. And for more information about state and local tax matters, contact your Schneider Downs state and local tax professional.

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Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice. Please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

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